Pearls of (Deciduous) Bonsai Wisdom

1. Apples are not oranges; maples are not beeches

All deciduous trees cannot be handled the same, nor can the same type of tree at different ages. Therefore, know your trees. If you are not sure how trees will react, ask someone or go by the book. Keep in mind the goal you want to accomplish for the tree at the stage it is in.

2. Small pot ~ small trunk

You can’t create a large trunk in a small pot. Therefore, plant the tree in an extra-large pot or in the ground until the desired trunk size is achieved. If you admire a small plant because of its nice branches, don’t expect to grow it into a large plant. Buy trunks, or trunks and superb roots – everything else is easy.

3. Branches feed roots; roots feed branches Corollary: the best bonsai are living bonsai; the best branches are living branches.

A tree needs either roots or branches to survive transplanting. Therefore, don’t do major surgery on both roots and branches at the same time; don’t stack cuts too close together on branches or trunk, or the tree may connect the dots.

4. Bad when young – bad when old

Trees usually don’t grow out of their major flaws, and they certainly won’t without help. Therefore, remove large flaws (bulges, bar branches, coarse branches) early. Trunks can’t easily be changed – choose your trunk carefully. Roots can be grafted or layered; branches and twigs can be re-grown. Bad trunks last forever.

5. Summer friendly ~ winter not

Leaves hide or distract from flaws during the summer. Winter reveals everything. Therefore, if you don’t want to correct the tree’s flaws, show the tree in full leaf.

6. Long straight — cannot wait — doesn’t rate – don’t imitate Straight is the enemy of quality in deciduous bonsai.

Long and straight branches show your impatience — or that you haven’t mastered the concept of scale in bonsai. Therefore, let new shoots grow to 3-5 nodes (depending upon the thickening desired) to build strength in the shoots; then, shorten to one node. Change direction with each node for best refinement. Rule of thumb: no node greater than 3/4″ in length; for shohin, no node greater than 1/4-3/8″ in length.

7. Many twigs – small leaves

Leaf size takes care of itself when the number of twigs is sufficient. Therefore, don’t worry about the size of leaves. Create more twigs and the size of leaves will shrink. Defoliation can also be used to reduce the size of leaves, when needed for a show.

8. Bonsai imitates nature, not other bonsai

Use nature as your guide for tree and branch shape. Deciduous trees should not look like pines. Therefore, don’t remove all flaws; some are features. Don’t remove all up or down twigs – they add three dimensions to the branches and help to keep the branches from looking too stilted. Foliage “pads” don’t always exist on deciduous trees. Twigs and texture are an acceptable substitute.

9. Best trees better Not all your trees are equal.

Concentrate your efforts on the best ones to make them better. Therefore, if you have more trees than you can get to each year, give your attention to the best trees to ensure that become even better. Remember, though, that some trees won’t be better than good.

10. Inch time, foot gem; not twice this day